Winfluence: The Teenage Slime Queen Turned Successful Entrepreneur

Winfluence: The Teenage Slime Queen Turned Successful Entrepreneur

In March 2022, I was featured on the Winfluence Podcast, where I shared how I went from a 14-year-old making slime in my room to running a successful business with Fireflyslime. During the episode, I talked about how I started posting recipes and packaging my slime to sell on Etsy, before migrating to my own Shopify site. I shared the challenges and rewards of balancing being an entrepreneur and influencer while still in high school and college. After reaching my 15,000th order, my story is a testament to the power of passion and persistence in turning a hobby into a thriving business.

You can listen to the full episode to hear more about how I built Fireflyslime and my journey to becoming an influencer and entrepreneur.

Check it out:

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